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Paint Directly on Meshes
Create custom artwork painting directly on your game objects or collaborate by leaving directions, color choices and other design notes to the team.
Now you can literally sketch out your scene ideas before you build!
Please Note: This version of Mesh Painter works with Unity versions 5.5.0 to 2019.2.0. The programs are not recommended for versions of Unity after this due to changes made within the Unity editor.
Videos | Website | Tutorials | Contact
This package also includes 60 new primitive shapes that were made with Geom.
Mesh Painter is also included in the Mesh Maker collection Available Here.
Save by buying all 16 modeling & editing tools in the one bundle.
Paint Directly on Meshes
Create custom artwork painting directly on your game objects or collaborate by leaving directions, color choices and other design notes to the team.
Now you can literally sketch out your scene ideas before you build!
Please Note: This version of Mesh Painter works with Unity versions 5.5.0 to 2019.2.0. The programs are not recommended for versions of Unity after this due to changes made within the Unity editor.
Videos | Website | Tutorials | Contact
This package also includes 60 new primitive shapes that were made with Geom.
Mesh Painter is also included in the Mesh Maker collection Available Here.
Save by buying all 16 modeling & editing tools in the one bundle.
License agreement
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA라이선스
파일 크기
2.1 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2018년 4월 30일
원본 Unity 버전
웹사이트 방문Quality assets
Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Community support
Supported by 100,000+ forum members