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The Simple Airplane Physics Toolkit allows you to easily setup a basic airplane with most of the real-world forces responsible for making planes fly!

The entire system is rigged and animates all moving parts on your behalf!

Lift, Drag, Gravity, and Thrust! All fundamental in the wonders of flight! This system will take care of all of that for you. It also includes things like drag from flaps, angle of attack, banking, fuel tanks, and dynamic physics which are applied to the overall mass of the plane!

The best part is, it comes with a high quality airplane model which is rigged in a simple manner which you can easily copy over to your own plane models!

Do you want to create conceptual planes with 7 engines and 10 wheels? No problem, this toolkit allows you to add as many elements as you would like.

Maybe you want to create a simpel simulation of flight, not a problem at all with fully customization of the lift curves, forces, engine curves and animation speeds of control surfaces, you can get everything exactly the way you want it!

We have also included a camera follow script, multi-camera manager, and a comprehensive input manager which allows you to map keys exactly to your needs!

Get flying with the Simple Airplane Physic Toolkit!

Light control system has been added which includes a pulse controller script. Plus various patches!

New Features
- Simple AI input mode, which includes follow and waypoints modes, although basic it will allow planes to fly themselves
- Unity native input support added
- Improved keyboard input module
- Delegate input module added, allows for scripted flying
- Added arcade roll
- Added more information, custom module icons, and more gizmos
- Better metric support
- Landing gear assembly module, allows your landing gear to be retracted
- Improved physics calculations

Should you require any assistance, please do get in touch with us, we are always happy to help!

Simple Airplane Physics Toolkit - Lift, Drag, Thrust

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28.2 MB
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Latest release date
Sep 28, 2022
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