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UniCar is a system set up with simplicity in mind. This is not a scientifically accurate physics simulation of real world car handling or tire frictions. This was designed with arcade style driving games in mind, parking games, arena combat games and the like. If you're going for the next Gran Turismo this isn't the package for you. Mobile Input control is supported out of the box and is enabled with a UI Canvas prefab dropped into the scene and a checkbox on the vehicle.
If you want something similar to how vehicles behave in Grand Theft Auto, this is for you. This system uses all out-of-the-box Unity components such as Box Colliders, Rigidbodies and Wheel Colliders. You don't need any fancy plugins or special physics settings. The system is setup to be drag and drop into a default Unity project and simply work.
Follow this link for detailed information on what this package provides and how to use it.
UniCar Official Website and Documentation
This vehicle physics setup uses built-in Unity components and custom C# scripts to allow control of a variety of different vehicle types. This Unity package contains (2) demo environments, (4) Vehicle prefabs, (4) sets of visual FX particles and more than (10) unique audio loops. UniCar is designed at it's core to be optimized for mobile platforms, so it performs exceptionally well on mobile phones and tablets.
If you want something similar to how vehicles behave in Grand Theft Auto, this is for you. This system uses all out-of-the-box Unity components such as Box Colliders, Rigidbodies and Wheel Colliders. You don't need any fancy plugins or special physics settings. The system is setup to be drag and drop into a default Unity project and simply work.
Follow this link for detailed information on what this package provides and how to use it.
UniCar Official Website and Documentation
This vehicle physics setup uses built-in Unity components and custom C# scripts to allow control of a variety of different vehicle types. This Unity package contains (2) demo environments, (4) Vehicle prefabs, (4) sets of visual FX particles and more than (10) unique audio loops. UniCar is designed at it's core to be optimized for mobile platforms, so it performs exceptionally well on mobile phones and tablets.
UniCar - Unity Vehicle Physics
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148.5 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2019년 3월 31일
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