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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋


Have lots of uncropped transparent images and don't want to crop them by one by one in your graphics editor?

This asset allows you to automatically crop any PNG texture with transparency while importing it into Unity!

It has 3 modes:
1) Auto-crop while importing.
2) Manual crop of any given texture.
3) Manual crop of any textures in a given directory.

How to use

To use this asset import and go to Top Menu -> Vis -> Auto Image Cropper -> Settings window. Enable Set "Crop automatically" option to true and you ready to go - your imported textures will be auto cropped! There are also other powerful features presented in the Settings window.

By default automatic cropping while importing is set to false - so you'll not crop your images unwillingly.

Beware that autocropping option crops every reimported texture also. So it's probably better to keep "Crop automatically" option set to false when you don't need it.

- customizable padding
- multiple output file formats
- alpha threshold adjustable
- lots of tool-tips
- full source code available
- fully customizable output files naming rules
- manual cropping mode
- crop single files and the whole directories with sub-directories
- and more features to come in the future...

I'm always trying to answer as quickly as possible and eager to make my assets better with new functionality and features, so please feel free to contact me on any questions, bugs and feature requests!

Auto Image Cropper

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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파일 크기
332.4 KB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2019년 7월 9일
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