Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
Unity Version | Built-in | URP | HDRP |
2021.3.45f1 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
Why does this package exist / Why am I being asked to import a 2nd package?
We have dozens and dozens of packages no the Asset Store, and provide advanced tooling and scripts for customization and custom editors. These systems use shared common files.
When we make updates and bug fixes for these tools, it is not possible to update all of the packages on the store (that takes about a week of time), and users do not enjoy having to download the full art package just to get one change to the shared files. Often the updates are not even required!
Further, users often would overwrite new shared files with older versions when importing packages they had previously downloaded, which caused much confusion.
Art Packages: What you need the support files for
Basic file types work without support files
The characters and props from Infinity PBR / Magic Pig Games will work in their basic form without these files. The meshes, materials, and animations are basic formats that work without the shared files. You may find some missing scripts, which can be safely removed from prefabs.
Customization Systems / Tooling
We provide additional systems that enable advanced customizations. The shared files include common editor scripts that are shared among multiple packs. These are often the same files found in the various Magic Pig Games tools like Projectile Factory, Game Modules 4, Magic Time, and Northstar Navigation and Tracking System.
Demo Scenes
The demo scenes in the same "series" of art packs share the same files. Those are included here to keep duplication down. Demo scenes are just demo scenes -- they are not required to make the characters and main packages operate.
Tool Packages: What you need the support files for
In most cases, the tool packages will be updated with the latest shared files that they utilize.
Questions? Please come to the Discord!
I respond on the Discord as often as I can. I have a day job, and family responsibilities, so I am unable to respond every day, but other users often respond to simple questions.
Check out more info & all of our models at InfinityPBR.com
If you do purchase this package, thank you very much! Please leave a rating and review so others can find out what's what about it! If you have any problems, requests or anything else, Join the Discord!