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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

NG Console is a powerful console, many light years ahead of Unity's Console.

Create a stream to display logs.
- Toggle a log to display its stack trace.
- Reach any point of the log's stack.

Each stream contains its own filters:
- ContentFilter accepts logs by matching a keyword in it.
- HierarchyFilter accepts logs coming from a GameObject or its children.
- MaskTypeFilter accepts logs matching a type (Normal, Warning, Error or Exception).
- NameHierarchyFilter accepts logs by matching a keyword with log's Object's name.
- TagFilter accepts logs coming from GameObject with a certain tag.

Archive logs in folders and assign them a note.
Fast & easy way to not forget important stuff.

Create a Color Marker to highlight logs from others.
Based on the same filters as listed above, it colors the log's background regarding your criterias.

Enjoy the efficiency of the smart scrollbar.
Any warning, error or exception is displayed in the scrollbar, including logs marked by a Color Marker!
No need to search anymore, notice your logs at a glance!

Select logs to copy them or use the Advance Copy wizard to output the data you want.

Almost any part of NG Console can be changed.
To implement your own requirement check the technical documentation.

There is still a lot of features to discover.

NG Console loggers:
NGDebug.Log : Outputs the given list of Object to the console in one line.
NGDebug.LogJSON : Displays a readable/expandable JSON.
NGDebug.LogHierarchy : Outputs the whole hierarchy of a given Object.
NGDebug.Snapshot : Outputs all fields/properties of any given object.
NGDebug.StaticSnapshot : Outputs all static fields/properties of any given Type.

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Discover more tools with NG Tools Free!

NG Console Pro

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2021년 3월 26일
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