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Often is the case that you import a 3D asset and find out that the Pivot point is not well centered or the pivot rotation is offset, now you have to create another GameObject just to pivot around. Well not again. This tool allows you to freely move or rotate pivot point for an object without changing the actual shape or look of the model. This is the only asset on the asset store that guarantees pivot modifications without faking by creating and grouping under empty GameObjects. Make pivot modifications while your model stays where it is and look how it originally did !.
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Supported features:
▓ Allows free editing of pivot position and rotation same as seen in 3D modeling softwares using unity's convenient transform gizmo handles.
▓ Runtime API allows you to make pivot modifications on the fly.
▓ Center pivot to an object's true center point.
▓ Correct pivot rotation by aligning with the global axes.
▓ Precisely change pivot position/rotation values on individual axes using custom input fields and increment/decrement buttons.
▓ Option to save the modified mesh as an asset.
▓ Allows vertex snapping and custom grid snapping for both position and rotation.
▓ Preserves UVs and surface normals so that the materials and textures stay intact on pivot modifications.
▓ Preserves original collider orientation for sphere, box, capsule and mesh colliders and others. Even supports compound colliders.
▓ Preserves NavMeshObstacle orientation.
▓ Center empty GameObjects to its children objects or to the average of the children bounds.
▓ Undo / Redo the applied changes per object.
▓ All the source code is included without encapsulation using dll files or any other means.
▓ Works with all file formats supported by unity.
▓ Performs super fast modification operations.
▓ Includes editor tooltips for every control to ease understanding and usage of the tool.
A README file is included in the package to help understand the usage and the various options of this tool.Please note that the plugin is meant to be used only in the Unity Editor. Attempting to use the source code on builds could result in errors.
PS: I have just started on the asset store as a single developer and as such it would help me a lot if you could spare a few moments of your time and leave a review.
Requirements & Limitations:
► Unity Editor 2017 and Above is required.
► Scripting Runtime Version Required: .NET 4.6 Equivalent or Above. Go to PlayerSettings > Configuration > Scripting Runtime Version and change it to .NET 4.6 equivalent or Above.
► On Unity Editor 2017.2 and below you cannot set the snap values for grid snapping from the inspector window. You will have to set them from the snap settings window in the Editor instead.
► GameObjects that are bones for a skinned mesh cannot have their pivots modified.
► Morphed objects(Meshes with blend shape animations) are not supported for pivot modifications.
► The centralize pivot operation cannot be run on skinned meshes (Skinned Mesh Renderers).
► Rotational modifications of pivots for non uniformly scaled GameObjects can result in mesh skewing. It's best to first uniformly scale such an object before applying rotational modifications to the pivot.
► The collider(s) on a GameObject might get incorrectly oriented as a result of pivot modification. So to preserve the collider(s) orientation(position and rotation) the original colliders(s) is added to an empty child GameObject, which can then serve as a collider(s) to the modified GameObject.
Refund Policy:
Refunds without a legitimate reason won't be considered, especially if they fall under the following:
►You accidentally purchased the asset.
►You purchased the asset but found out that another asset XYZ allows you to achieve the same.
► You didn't carefully read the Requirements & Limitations section for the asset on the asset store description and purchased the asset. Now you find that your version of Unity editor or the environment settings don't confirm to the points listed in the Requirements & Limitations section in the asset description, so the asset isn't working as expected.
► You didn't read this section before making the purchase.
► The asset does what it is supposed to do and as listed in the description and other relevant documents, but you still don't find it useful.
Pivot Modder