每款资源都经过 Unity 审核
Unity版本 | 内置渲染管线 | 通用渲染管线(URP) | 高清渲染管线(HDRP) |
2021.3.19f1 | 兼容 | 兼容 | 兼容 |
Package is uploaded for Builtin Render Pipeline (BIRP).
Documentation contains information how to enable URP or HDRP.
** This is also paid upgrade to original PointCloud viewer plugin (which will be depracated from store soon! You have 120 day grace period to claim this package if you had purchased the original version in during that time) **
- Point Cloud To Binary (saves data to custom binary format for faster reading)
- Point Cloud To Unity Meshes (splits point cloud data into regular unity meshes - no mesh reconstruction, just point meshes)
Has full source code c# and shaders.
This is not really suitable for games, it is meant for non-game projects and it is recommended that you are familiar with point cloud concepts and terminology!
- https://discussions.unity.com/t/released-point-cloud-viewer-tools/534863
- https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityPointCloudViewer/wiki
- Setup URP or HDRP https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityPointCloudViewer/wiki/SRP-(URP-&-HDRP)
- Support https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityPointCloudViewer/issues (or see email in docs)
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi5GhVWoWyw4jNbEthXixwfYWnuo49mHb
Point Cloud Viewer and Tools 3