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About Interaction Kit

Interaction Kit is an innovative and powerful system to handle practically any kind of interaction in your games. It is possible to build interactions with the kind of depth you’d see in popular RPG games. Anything from simple door triggers, switches, complex quests or even non-linear conditional speech can be built with InteractionKit’s incredibly easy to use visual logic system.The UI is powered by a very flexible editor that allows you to customise the placement, appearance and effects of your interface.

Interaction Kit has everything you need to make any GameObject interactive in a matter of minutes! The friendly editor allows you to choose from 8 RayCasting techniques that cover the majority of game genres as well as offering unprecedented control over collisions via a mix of layers and game tags!

Finally, the real power comes from the Interact editor which allows you to easily create conditional events just by pointing and clicking the mouse. Each event can trigger a wide array of built-in actions and you can even trigger external scripts! Maybe you want to create an interaction on a door, but only have it open if you acquire the key? Perhaps you want to build a conversation with an NPC that is different depending on the progress the player has made? All of this and more is possible with InteractionKit, the all in one power house of developing interactions!

Interaction Kit Features

- Make any GameObject interactive!
- Powerful, easy to use editors!
- Easily build Conditional Events for any interaction!
- Test both PlayerPrefs and Local Variables!
- Events can trigger a wide array of Built-in actions!
- Actions can call external scripts!
- 8 Customizable Detection Modes to cover most games!
- Setup obstacles based on Physics Layers and Game Tags!
- Supports Unity's new and default Input System!
- Easily Customizable UI!
- Custom Event Actions for LDC Plugin!
- All 4 Tech Demos Included!
- Detailed PDF manual!
- FULL source (No DLLs!)
- Compatible with Unity 2021.1!
- Legacy Versions Compatible With Unity 5.6 and up!

WebGL Tech Demos

> 3D Third Person Tech Demo
> 3D FPS Tech Demo
> 2D Tech Demo
> 2D Mouse Point & Click Demo


> Documentation (PDF)
> Unity Forum

Tutorial Videos

> Overview Video (2:28)
> Tutorial 1 - Basics (22:12)
> Tutorial 2 - Detection Modes (10:29)
> Tutorial 3 - Building Interactions (17:05)

Commercial Game Demo

NOTE: Post Brutal uses a custom UI but all interactions in the game are powered by InteractionKit. An iOS or Android device is required to download.

> Post Brutal

Interaction Kit - Pro Tools To Make Any Object Interactive

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Interaction Kit - Pro Tools To Make Any Object Interactive