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Featuring a large collection of AAA quality effects for your games using ultra hi-res textures, spritesheets and advanced particle system configurations.
For previews, support, suggestions, and general discussion for this asset, check out the official Unity forum support thread!
Just drop the prefabs into your project, customize the particle systems, lighting, and misc. options, or go all out starting from scratch with the included texture and script/component assets.
● Suitable for both 2D and 3D games.
▲ 38 High-Quality Prefabs - a weather-oriented set of effects featuring gentle snowfalls, heavy storms, fog fields, and more. These are made up of unique Shuriken particle system prefabs with varying levels of layered complexity to allow for incredibly detailed visual design.
Many more will be added in the future!
▲40MB+ of Textures - want to create your own ultra high quality effects for next-gen platforms and resolutions? Dive into this monstrous arsenal of sprites and spritesheets and make your own!
▲ Game-Ready Scripts - included, you'll also get several useful scripts for managing particles in a hierarchy through a unified component interface.
Want to automatically destroy all the particle systems underneath a game object once they're done emitting? There's a drag-and-drop script for that! You can even animate lighting effects, lighting colours, and more for runtime (read: in the actual game!) with these handy scripts.
▲ Demo Scene - easily preview all the included effects, including some of the extra script functionality with the demo scene.
▲ Advanced Particle Scaler - an advanced particle scaling utility with real-time, in-editor preview functionality.
▲ MIR-2II Shader Pack - most of the particle effects included use the default Unity particle shaders. Sometimes, that's not good enough. Storm VFX ships with several additional shaders to drive your visual design above and beyond with distortion, intersect highlighting, masking, and more.
Best of all, it's constantly updated! =D
Featuring a large collection of AAA quality effects for your games using ultra hi-res textures, spritesheets and advanced particle system configurations.
For previews, support, suggestions, and general discussion for this asset, check out the official Unity forum support thread!
Just drop the prefabs into your project, customize the particle systems, lighting, and misc. options, or go all out starting from scratch with the included texture and script/component assets.
● Suitable for both 2D and 3D games.
▲ 38 High-Quality Prefabs - a weather-oriented set of effects featuring gentle snowfalls, heavy storms, fog fields, and more. These are made up of unique Shuriken particle system prefabs with varying levels of layered complexity to allow for incredibly detailed visual design.
Many more will be added in the future!
▲40MB+ of Textures - want to create your own ultra high quality effects for next-gen platforms and resolutions? Dive into this monstrous arsenal of sprites and spritesheets and make your own!
▲ Game-Ready Scripts - included, you'll also get several useful scripts for managing particles in a hierarchy through a unified component interface.
Want to automatically destroy all the particle systems underneath a game object once they're done emitting? There's a drag-and-drop script for that! You can even animate lighting effects, lighting colours, and more for runtime (read: in the actual game!) with these handy scripts.
▲ Demo Scene - easily preview all the included effects, including some of the extra script functionality with the demo scene.
▲ Advanced Particle Scaler - an advanced particle scaling utility with real-time, in-editor preview functionality.
▲ MIR-2II Shader Pack - most of the particle effects included use the default Unity particle shaders. Sometimes, that's not good enough. Storm VFX ships with several additional shaders to drive your visual design above and beyond with distortion, intersect highlighting, masking, and more.
Best of all, it's constantly updated! =D
Storm VFX
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라이선스: Single Entity
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44.7 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2018년 3월 19일
원본 Unity 버전
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