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Stylized Fire, Smoke, Sparks, and Heat Distortion. An easy-to-use, artist-friendly, and feature-rich shader and VFX package.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

Designed for Unity 2019.4 LTS, URP v7.3.1


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OccaSoftware presents: Enflame


Enflame is an easy-to-use, artist-friendly, and feature-rich shader and VFX package that enables you to achieve highly stylized or realistic fire, smoke, sparks, and heat distortion effects.

This package includes a Fire Shader, a Particle Shader for Smoke and Sparks, and a Heat Distortion Shader. It also includes a re-usable Subgraph that enables you to sample Flipbooks more easily. I designed these from the ground-up in Shadergraph so that you can easily take even more control over the artistic direction of your project.

Compatible only with the Universal Render Pipeline.

What People Are Saying

"The most beautiful fire. The photos and videos in here are not good enough until you try it. Is by far the most beautiful and easy to use stylized fire. I am loving Occa Software products. Well done!" - rodrigouribeventura


  1. Plug-and-play: Drag and drop the complete prefab into your scene with limited set-up - just enable the Opaque and Depth Textures in your scene to use the Heat Distortion Shader.
  2. Extendable Code Free: Artists welcome! All Shaders included in this pack are provided in Shadergraph, making it easy to extend and enhance the shader to your needs without coding.
  3. Art Assets Included: Programmers welcome, too! This pack includes all you need to get up-and-running without diving into Photoshop or Substance to fiddle with textures.
  4. Volumetric, Procedural Fire: Easily create “thick”, fully dynamic fires with density and ramping size as you reach the edges of the fire.
  5. Depth-masked Heat Distortion: Unlike other Heat Distortion shaders, we mask out objects in front of the camera using depth and vertex tests so that we don’t distort objects in front of the hot zone.
  6. Complete Control: Easily tweak tons of parameters for each part of the full fire effect, including things like… Heat Distortion amount, Colors, Toon- or realistic-styling, Textures, Transparency, Flipbook speed, width, and height, Alpha clip thresholds, Smooth or Instant Flipbook Transitions, and more.

Recommended Assets


Motion Blur for URP

Outline Objects

Technical details



  • Heat Distortion Particle System
  • Smoke Particle System
  • Sparks Particle System
  • Volumetric Fire
  • Oscillating Spot Light
  • Fire with Light, Sparks, Smoke, and Heat Distortion

Shader Graphs

  • Heat Distortion Shader
  • Fire Shader
  • Particle Shader
  • Sample Flipbook Subgraph


  • Volumetric Fire with Optional Billboard Support
  • Oscillating Light Brightness


  • Quad with Pivot at Bottom (Used as the base Mesh for the Fire Shader)


  • Distortion Material
  • Fire Material
  • Smoke Material
  • Sparks Material


  • Alpha Mask for Heat Distortion
  • Fire Noise
  • Smoke Noise
  • Sparks Flipbook

Enflame: Fire, Smoke, Sparks, and Heat Distortion VFX

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2021년 12월 9일
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Enflame: Fire, Smoke, Sparks, and Heat Distortion VFX