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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

시각 효과
This package includes a ton of textures & pre-made particle "components" which you can use to create your own magic spells. Mix and match textures, or create your own, to make even more effects.

Note, this package is included in all of our character packages.

Try it with the following packages...
Human Base + Barbarian Pack
Dragon Pack PBR
Monster Pack #1
Monster Pack #2
Dungeon+ Pack PBR [Now on Sale!]

Magic Spells & Particles is designed for quick and easy use, as well as massive customization.

WEBPLAYER DEMO: http://www.sfbaystudios.com/ParticlePackageDemo.html

Package includes 31 Magic Spells complete with Scripted Lighting. Lights turn on/off at the proper time, change color, flicker & more. Plus, 30 Particle Prefabs without lighting which can be used by themselves or modified or added together with the other particles. Lastly there are over 60 Particle Components, each one a single particle ready to be put together with others to easily and quickly create your own custom particles.

It's easy to modify the existing colors, sizes & more. All lighting scripts are included!

Package spells include projectiles, static "throwing" particles such as fire, ice & poison breath, power ups, runes & more.

Forum Link!

Demo Scene Included.

Magic Spells & Particles

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