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시각 효과
Do you want to supercharge your game? This pack features a diverse set of high quality VFX. This way you get all important effects that most games have in common in one pack.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information
  • Requires Visual Effect Graph and Shader Graph. You can install those via Package Manager. These packages must be installed before this VFX. If you just installed them, restart the editor before installing the VFX pack.
  • Manual is included in 'UNI VFX' folder.
  • If the VFX doesn't show up properly, it needs to be recompiled. This can be easily fixed by opening the VFX assets in Visual Effects folder


  • UNIversal visual effects for Unity URP and HDRP
  • Uses highly performant GPU particle systems made in Visual Effect Graph.
  • Super easily customisable VFX without the need to ever enter the Visual Effect Graph Editor.
  • Uses (VFX) Events - one Game Object stores multiple effects which can be triggered via C# or Visual Scripting.
  • A total of 26 Events (not including 'stop' events). Full content breakdown in the 'Technical details' below.

❓ What are (VFX) Events?

Think of the Barrier effect, for example. It has these events/effects: create, loop, hit, end and stop. In this case, you start with the 'create' event, which then automatically continues with the 'loop' event. Each time the Barrier is damaged you send the ‘hit’ event that displays the corresponding effect. When the barrier expires, send an ‘end’ event that plays the final effect and stops the ‘loop’.

✔️ Let's have a look at the details:

  • Important properties are exposed so you can change color, spawn rate, rotation speed etc. directly in the Inspector.
  • Uses HDR colors - in combination with Bloom (Post Processing Effect), you have full control over the glow amount.
  • You can freely change effects' transform to get the desired size.
  • Where appropriate, world-space is used so moving objects leave trails and particles behind.
  • Has optimized meshes to reduce overdraw.
  • Utilizes custom uber effect shader made in Shader Graph.
  • 1k textures with few exceptions used for tiny elements like sparks, embers etc.
  • CPU events and small C# code (included) handles lights in prefabs.
  • Works with Orthographic projection.

⚙️ Requirements

Requires Unity 2020.3 or newer with Visual Effect Graph 10+ and Shader Graph. You can install those via Package Manager. If you just installed them, restart the editor before installing the VFX pack.

Works in URP and HDRP. Visual Effect Graph has limited compatibility with mobile devices (including WebGL platform).

If the VFX doesn't show up, it needs to be recompiled. This can be easily fixed by opening the VFX assets in UNI VFX\Essentials\Visual Effects. When opened in the Visual Effects Graph, the assets are forced to recompile. This should be fixed in Unity 2022.3.6 and newer.

Please don’t forget to rate this asset and write a review! It helps me improve a lot. I really want these packs to be the best they can be.

Technical details

All screenshots and videos were taken in URP. HDRP has been adapted.

List of all effects and events:

  • Missile – create, loop, hit, stop
  • Heal – create, loop, hit, stop
  • Teleport – in, out
  • Aura – create, loop, end, stop
  • Detonation – buildup, hit, stop
  • Pickup – loop, hit, stop
  • Melee – hit, crit
  • Barrier – create, loop, hit, end, stop
  • Leap – hit, loop, stop
  • Buff – buildup, loop, hit, stop

The 'Stop' event stops the generation of new particles without abruptly removing existing ones. There are two prefabs per effect with different appereance.

7 meshes optimized for VFX.

25 unique textures. 18 of them have 1024px width. Smaller textures are used for tiny elements like sparks, embers etc.

UNI VFX: Essentials for Visual Effect Graph

90 users have favourite this asset
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일 년 전
Awesome AAA VFX Graph Effects
My initial impression was absolutely astounding! These effects exhibit a remarkably high-quality AAA appearance, especially considering their affordab...
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