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Simple Volumetric Light & Fog is an asset using raymarching technique to make your scene look beautiful & realistic with couple clicks!

-Directional Light scattering based on shadow map (supports shadow cascades*)
-Forward/Deferred rendering path
-Volumetric Fog:
   -Global Animated Fog used to simulate
     global fog & wind
   -Altitude dependent dense fog, useful to
     create climatic sceneries, custom dense 
     wavy fog at a specific height
-Fully dynamic - you can change values of
     light and fog runtime using scripts!

What you can customize:
-See second YT video where I customize all parameters runtime!

Works with Default Unity Rendering Pipeline only!

Do not support transparent materials
Do not support VR except multi pass rendering
Do not support directional lights with custom cookies
Do not support preview in scene view

Because this effect is computation heavy I do not recommend using this for android because it will probably kill your framerate.

*while my effect supports shadow cascades using them in sceneries with f.e. far mountains sometimes can lead to some graphical artefacts because of how cascaded shadows work (some bleeding through geometry can occur). Because of this, I suggest using 2 or one cascades to get the best result

Your shadow settings have to be:
Shadow Projection - stable fit
Shadowmask mode - distance shadowmask

Only one directional light supported

Simple Volumetric Light & Fog

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라이선스: Single Entity
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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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170.3 KB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 1월 3일
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