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This is a free demo version of our HS Lightcap shader: FULL VERSION

HS Lightcap shader uses a fast approach to lightning, the result is a powerful, fast unlit shader, that looks powerfully illuminated.

PBR-like reflections, toon styles, Lightcap can handle it with ease!
Matcap simulates light on objects using a baked projection that follows the camera, this allows complex effects, like multiple colored lights with minimum impact on resources.
Thanks to the camera relativity, the light is offering always the desired look.

There are cases where complex light effects are needed, 1:1 precision is not needed and performance is important. HSLightcap is designed with this in mind.

HSLightcap will deliver killer results for 3d isometric, 3d top down or 3d side scrolling games, and is excellent for mobile, perfect for characters.

This shader can produce high quality effects at low performance cost. Do not use this shader if you want to rely exclusively on heavy PBR and slow real time light setup.

Notable Features:
* Faster than standard shader
* High quality effects
* Mobile ready

 * Custom realtime shadows
* Amplify Shader support

 * Custom colored lightmap
* Easy to use and flexible

 * Many styles achieved with one shader
* Toon ready

 * Customizable angle

 * Normal map support

 * Transparency, tint setting, color tuning

 * Plenty of caps included on the package and it is easy to create custom caps

 * Clear interface: each function of the shader can be enabled or disabled

Where to use this shader: mobile games, RTS, top down, isometric, puzzle games, cutscenes, 3d games.

HS Lightcap FREE - lightning fast lighting

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56.1 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 6월 2일
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