평점 만점의 리뷰가 11,000개 이상
8만 5천명 이상의 리뷰
10만명 이상의 포럼 멤버가 선호하는 에셋
유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋
Tiinoo is focus on developing useful plugins to help you make games a bit easier.
Find Pro
Search it, find it!
- Find all references to an asset.
- Find missing references and null references.
- Find where a public variable value is being used.
Website | Docs | Unity Forum thread | Youtube
Device Console
View logs on devices easily!
- Provides an in-game console to view full Unity console logs on devices.
Website | Docs | Unity Forum thread | Youtube | Online Demo
Disable Logging
Disable logs in builds with 1-Click.
- Enable/Disable logs in builds easily.
- Outputs the specific logs with the color you like.
Website | Docs | Unity Forum thread
NotEditable In Inspector
Prevent users from modifying the values of fields in the inspector.
- Make fields not editable in the inspector.
Website | Docs
Cut and Paste
Solution of Drag and Drop.
- Move assets with Cut and Paste operation.
- Supports moving multiple assets at the same time.
Website | Docs | Unity Forum thread | Youtube
Got any questions?
Find Pro
Search it, find it!
- Find all references to an asset.
- Find missing references and null references.
- Find where a public variable value is being used.
Website | Docs | Unity Forum thread | Youtube
Device Console
View logs on devices easily!
- Provides an in-game console to view full Unity console logs on devices.
Website | Docs | Unity Forum thread | Youtube | Online Demo
Disable Logging
Disable logs in builds with 1-Click.
- Enable/Disable logs in builds easily.
- Outputs the specific logs with the color you like.
Website | Docs | Unity Forum thread
NotEditable In Inspector
Prevent users from modifying the values of fields in the inspector.
- Make fields not editable in the inspector.
Website | Docs
Cut and Paste
Solution of Drag and Drop.
- Move assets with Cut and Paste operation.
- Supports moving multiple assets at the same time.
Website | Docs | Unity Forum thread | Youtube
Got any questions?
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