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Animated model with 81 animations. 4 materials, textures 2048*2048 pixel size.
- Only 6600 polygons with 3 LOD stages.
- Completely reworked materials with new texture details
- Added LOD stages inside FBX file for faster rendering
- PBR Materials
Model is modular, with all addons like separate meshes, so you can make many variations. Skin comes in 2 versions, one regular and one with war face and body paint.
You can switch on or off armor, belts, bierd, neckless, and arm and legs protectors.
Animation List:
a_Pose, attack1, attack2, attack3, attack4, attack5, Attack6, attack7, Attack8, Attack9, Attack10, Block_Crouch, Block_Idle, Block_Left, Block_Right, Block_Top, ClimbingUp, ClimeRopeLeft, ClimeRopeRight, Crouch_Walk_Back, Crouch_Walk_Forward, Crouch_Walk_Left, Crouch_Walk_Right, CrouchAttack, CrouchIdle, CrouchSneakLeft, CrouchSneakRight, death, DeathBack, DeathBack2, DeathFront, dodge_left, dodge_right, Dodging_Left, Dodging_Right, EdgeClimbRight, EdgeHang, Flip, hit, HitBack, HitFront, HitFrontLeft, HitFrontRight, Idle, idle_attack, Idle_LookAround, Idle_stand, idle_watch, jump, jump_Fly, jump_Land, jump_Start, Jump2, Jump2Fly, Jump2Land, Jump2Start, JumpEdgeLeft, JumpEdgeRight, KneelToPray, PushHeavyBlock, recover, recover_02, RopeHangIdle, run, RunBack, RunLeft, RunRight, StandUp, TalkSit, TalkStand, taunt, taunt2, TurnLeft, TurnRight, walk, Walk2, Walk3, WalkBack, walkBack_02, WalkLeft, WalkRight,
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