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Coming in a variety of forms and sizes, they can only be seen by those who have been to the fairy realm or those they allow to see them. Fairies are supernatural winged creatures that appear to have great magic power, but they prefer hiding in the forest living happily ever after. This fairy, however, chooses to fight, she's a warrior who understands bloodlust and intends to obliterate her foe to protect what she loves.
- Fully rigged, textured and animated.
- Animations: walk, run, stand, stand blink, idle, fly inplace, fly attack 1, fly attack 2, fly right, fly left, fly backward, fly forward, fly hit, fly death, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3, hit 1, hit 2, death
- Polygon count: Polygons: 8951. Triangles: 15052
- Textures: 4096x4096 diffuse maps (32bit alpha), normal map, specular map, opacity map.
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- Fully rigged, textured and animated.
- Animations: walk, run, stand, stand blink, idle, fly inplace, fly attack 1, fly attack 2, fly right, fly left, fly backward, fly forward, fly hit, fly death, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3, hit 1, hit 2, death
- Polygon count: Polygons: 8951. Triangles: 15052
- Textures: 4096x4096 diffuse maps (32bit alpha), normal map, specular map, opacity map.
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94.1 MB
최신 버전
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2017년 3월 22일
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