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Archers are agile, precise, and deadly! With a bow in hand and a quiver on her back, the Royal Archer strikes at the enemy from afar. The elven blood flows through her veins not only makes her beautiful, but also creates a special bond with nature so she's able to deal with natural forces directly to heal, or to hurt people.
Comes fully equipped and formatted for Unity with diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 18 game-ready animations.
- Fully rigged, textured and animated.
- Total 18 animations + facial rig and animations + boobs bouncing XD
- Animations: walk, run, stand, stand blink, idle, talk, deny, ready, ready blink, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3, attack 4, jump back, cast spell, hit 1, hit 2, death.
- Polygon count: character + armor 16490 tris, bow: 3794 tris, arrow and container: 328 tris, arrow: 344 tris.
- Textures: diffuse maps, normal maps, specular maps.
(View animations)
Comes fully equipped and formatted for Unity with diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 18 game-ready animations.
- Fully rigged, textured and animated.
- Total 18 animations + facial rig and animations + boobs bouncing XD
- Animations: walk, run, stand, stand blink, idle, talk, deny, ready, ready blink, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3, attack 4, jump back, cast spell, hit 1, hit 2, death.
- Polygon count: character + armor 16490 tris, bow: 3794 tris, arrow and container: 328 tris, arrow: 344 tris.
- Textures: diffuse maps, normal maps, specular maps.
(View animations)
Royal Archer
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125.5 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2017년 3월 7일
원본 Unity 버전
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