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Voodoo Mon & Speararra are low poly models that share 1 TGA diffuse and normal map each.

Voodoo Mon consists of 1000 polys.

Speararra consists of 1300 polys.

All the animations have been broken down into their correct key frames ready to use.


1. 0-200 Idle 2. 200-400 Idle scratch head 3. 400-405 Start walk/run 4. 405-425 Run loop steady 5. 425-444 Run arms swing 6. 445-464 Run angry 7. 465-485 Walk loop 8. 485-504 Walk look right 9. 505-524 Walk look left 10. 525-545 Walk angry 11. 546-589 Silence! 12. 590-625 Jump 13. 625-685 Jump Blast Attack 14. 658-820 Spin Attack 15. 822-889 Hit Attack 16. 890-919 Death 1 (back) 17. 920-989 Death 2 (forward) 18. 990-1259 Staff weapon malfunction 19. 1260-1349 Staff Blast 20. 1350- 1450 Ha ha very funny

Riding Speararra

1. 1450-1519 Climb on Speararra 2. 1520-1580 Climb off Speararra


1. 0-74 Start Flying 2. 74-90 Flying Loop 3. 91-123 Fly Right 4. 123-155 Fly Left 5. 155-203 Dodge 6. 204-240 Falling out of sky 7. 240-260 Death 8. 261-340 Landing 9. 341-840 Idle

Hope you enjoy Voodoo Mon and Speararra!

Youtube Video

Jaysta3D www.jaysta3d.com

Voodoo Mon & Speararra

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34.9 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2015년 4월 30일
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