11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人を超えるフォーラムメンバーが支持
すべてのアセットを Unity が審査済み
8 animated very low poly characters: man_robe, man_dress, man_skirt, man_legs, woman_robe, woman_dress, woman_skirt, woman_legs.
Props: bow, arrows pack, axe, crossbow, soldier hat, gather pack, hoe, javelin, sword, pike, rake, 2 different shields.
iPhone version included: 2 Different 1024 x 1024 texture atlas for all the shapes. Only 15 bones each character.
-Included animations (30): idle1, idle2, hoeing, gathererWalk, gathererRun, gathererIdle, die, dieLW, default, collecting, chopping, attackSword, attackPike, attackCrossbow, attackBow, attackAxe, walkLW, walkCrossbow, walk, run, runLW, runCrossbow, rakeing, pikeWalk, pikeRun, picking, javelinWalk, javelinThrow, idleLW, idleCrossbow, idleCollect.
- Layered .psd files (1024 x 1024 pixels) with basic texture, including color, mask and wireframe layers.
- Original Blender files.
- Exported fbx files and prefabs for the 8 characters, ready to be used in your Unity projects.
Animated web player demo
Props: bow, arrows pack, axe, crossbow, soldier hat, gather pack, hoe, javelin, sword, pike, rake, 2 different shields.
iPhone version included: 2 Different 1024 x 1024 texture atlas for all the shapes. Only 15 bones each character.
-Included animations (30): idle1, idle2, hoeing, gathererWalk, gathererRun, gathererIdle, die, dieLW, default, collecting, chopping, attackSword, attackPike, attackCrossbow, attackBow, attackAxe, walkLW, walkCrossbow, walk, run, runLW, runCrossbow, rakeing, pikeWalk, pikeRun, picking, javelinWalk, javelinThrow, idleLW, idleCrossbow, idleCollect.
- Layered .psd files (1024 x 1024 pixels) with basic texture, including color, mask and wireframe layers.
- Original Blender files.
- Exported fbx files and prefabs for the 8 characters, ready to be used in your Unity projects.
Animated web player demo
Medieval RTS characters
33 users have favourite this asset
ライセンス: Single Entity

Gustavo Munoz の他のアセット
11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人以上のフォーラムメンバーが支持
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