11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人を超えるフォーラムメンバーが支持
すべてのアセットを Unity が審査済み
CAUTION: Characters are no longer working with Mixamo, I am working on the update. If you already bought the pack and need the updated files, send me an email and I'll share the files directly.
Hey! thank you for checking out Soldiers. Let me explain what is there in the package.
The pack contains two different outfits, a casual outfit and the main outfit for both male and female characters, I call them suits. I have included 5+ different hairstyles, 10 facial hair, and 3 different hand options to further customise the characters. The face can be customized and also contains expressions if you wish to create emotions or speech animations.
Pack also contains a customizer script that you can use to check out all the possible combinations and change the shape of the face. It is solely made for the demo scene and I do not encourage you to use it in your actual game. It will help you create prefabs for the character setup you select in the demo scene.
Characters can be animated using mixamo, I have included a simple tutorial for it in the readmeee.
Note: The suits cannot be customized as they are not separated.
If you have any questions, you can message me on my Facebook page | Akishaqs or Email or Instagram
Thank you!
Hey! thank you for checking out Soldiers. Let me explain what is there in the package.
The pack contains two different outfits, a casual outfit and the main outfit for both male and female characters, I call them suits. I have included 5+ different hairstyles, 10 facial hair, and 3 different hand options to further customise the characters. The face can be customized and also contains expressions if you wish to create emotions or speech animations.
Pack also contains a customizer script that you can use to check out all the possible combinations and change the shape of the face. It is solely made for the demo scene and I do not encourage you to use it in your actual game. It will help you create prefabs for the character setup you select in the demo scene.
Characters can be animated using mixamo, I have included a simple tutorial for it in the readmeee.
Note: The suits cannot be customized as they are not separated.
If you have any questions, you can message me on my Facebook page | Akishaqs or Email or Instagram
Thank you!
Soldiers | Lowpoly Characters
6 users have favourite this asset
ライセンス: Single Entity

11,000 種類を超える 5 つ星アセット
8.5 万人以上の顧客による評価
10 万人以上のフォーラムメンバーが支持
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