Over 11,000 five-star assets
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Get Both Female and Male Avatars and save! :
Thirdmotion Female and Male Avatars Full comes with:
Sample Webplayer Avatar Preview scene
Prefab Creator tool, lets you make your own mix of clothing with no code
Full Maya rig + facial control rig so you can create your own animations
Hi Definition model with 13,431 tris (7,650 body + 5,781 eyes, mouth, tounge, theet, lashes, nails)
7 mixable outfits (tops and bottoms)
14 different animations including ( walk, run, jog, idle, afraid, angry, disgust, happy, sad, surprised)
5 different hair styles and a special shader that lets you color the hair in 6 different ways
3 different glasses & Complex eyes with controllable reflective shader
Works perfectly fine with mecanim but looks even better with Legacy Animation system because of complex rig for arm twisting and extra spine joints
TM Male and Female Avatar Full