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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋
Unity Version | Built-in | URP | HDRP |
2019.4.24f1 | Not compatible | Compatible | Not compatible |
Product page | Demo | Forum Page | Request Content
This package contains custom male and female UMA races for URP. This is the URP version of the Jane & John. UMA is required for this package to work.
In addition to features of Standard Pipeline version of Jane & John, URP version also has wrinkle maps for facial expressions.
Please note that content for other races (o3n Male & Female or base UMA male & female) will not fit this race. Content for Jane & John Standard Pipeline may need small adjustments to their material to render correctly in URP.
Following assets are Included in this package. (After buying this asset you may navigate to those assets' page and download for free)
- o3n UMA Race Stunner Jane & John Content Creation Pack
How do I set it up?
- Please remember to add the o3n folder to UMA Global Library by selecting UMA Global Library Window and dragging the o3n folder to the drop area in the window.
- You can check the example scenes under o3n/UMARaces/Stunner/Scenes/ for sample usage.
- Race folders have Prefabs folders which contain prefabs that you can drag into your UMA ready scene (See example scene).
- If you want to use Standard Render Pipeline then check the free o3n UMA Races Stunner Jane & John Standard Render Pipeline.
- If you want to use HDRP then check o3n UMA Races Stunner Jane & John HDRP.
- This package is set up to be used by URP out of the box. It can be used in the standard pipeline but some material settings need to be changed manually.
o3n UMA Races Stunner Jane & John URP