Number of textures:
- 1 main atlas 1024x1024
- + 4 terrain 256x256
- + 10 variants (16 and 32 indexed colors for more retro fee)
Number of:
- meshes - 349
- prefabs - 396
Rigging: Yes - ropes, cables and chain only
Animation count :0
UV mapping: Yes
LOD information (count, number of levels)
Usually there are LOD - some models have lower topology for LOD, and also thera are additional LOD levels with models without alpha (trees and ivy)
Types of materials and texture maps (e.g., PBR)
- main material for atlas texture - diffuse only
- main material for atlas texture with alpha - diffuse only
- glass / transparent material for windows - no texture
- material with emission color for lamps that are turn on - no texture
36 3D leaves chunks models (9 types in 4 color variants: green, orange, red, yellow):
(name, verts, triangles)
leaves_001, 189,218
leaves_002, 257, 296
leaves_003, 280, 324
leaves_004, 48, 56
leaves_005, 242, 284
leaves_007, 588, 682
leaves_008, 214, 243
leaves_011, 512, 594
leaves_012, 67, 78
5 3D birches trunks model:
(name, verts, triangles)
birch_big_2_no_leaves, 319,396
birch_big_no_leaves1, 115, 124
birch_medium_no_leaves, 246, 300
birch_small_2_no_leaves, 131, 136
birch_small_no_leaves, 110, 124
20 whole trees 3D models (5 types in 4 color variants: green, orange, red, yellow):
(name, verts, triangles)
birch_big_2_(color_variant), 1242, 1463
birch_big_no_(color_variant), 703,806
birch_medium_(color_variant), 883, 1042
birch_small_2_(color_variant), 388, 432
birch_small_(color_variant), 299, 342
20 whole trees 3D models LOW POLY for LOD (5 types in 4 color variants: green, orange, red, yellow):
(name, verts, triangles)
birch_big_2_(color_variant), 856, 863
birch_big_no_(color_variant), 545, 554
birch_medium_(color_variant), 593, 593
birch_small_2_(color_variant), 273, 273
birch_small_(color_variant), 205,222
24 3D models of ivy growing on birches trunks (6 shape variants for all trunks, every in 4 color variantions: dead ivy, half green ivy, full green ivy, orange ivy):
(name, verts, triangles)
ivy tree (color_variant) big 2, 78, 48
ivy tree (color_variant) big 2 v2, 126, 72
ivy tree (color_variant) big, 102, 60
ivy tree (color_variant) medium, 150, 84
ivy tree (color_variant) small, 102, 60
ivy tree (color_variant) small 2, 126, 72
(name, verts, triangles)
BARN BASEMENT, 1324, 668
barn_basement_door, 152, 76
barn_basement_door__parts, 64, 32
barn_basement_hole_dirt, 91, 156
barn_basement_no_hole, 100, 92
barn_basement_wall_hole, 270, 180
barn_floor, 14, 8
barn_floor_for_basement, 788, 472
barn_floor_v1, 4, 2
barn_floor_v2, 4, 2
barn_floor_v3, 4, 2
barn_floor_hole, 264, 154
barn_roof_1, 30, 24
barn_roof_2, 16, 10
barn_roof_3, 40, 30
barn_roof_4, 16, 10
barn_roof_whole, 622, 496
barn_silo, 421, 360
barn_walls_whole, 2360, 1568
barn_window, 224, 120
barn_window_handle, 24, 12
barn_wooden_frame, 888, 444
barn_wooden_frame_whole, 7584, 3792
barrel_blue_lid, 42, 32
barrel_close_blue, 42, 32
barrel_close_red, 42, 32
barrel_close_yellow, 42, 32
barrel_damaged_blue, 564, 444
barrel_damaged_red, 575, 444
barrel_damaged_yellow, 555, 444
barrel_open_blue, 82, 64
barrel_open_red, 82, 64
barrel_open_yellow, 82, 64
barrel_red_lid, 42, 32
barrel_yellow_lid, 42, 32
birch_branch_big, 152, 100
birch_branch_small, 128, 88
birch_leaves_green, 40, 24
birch_leaves_orange, 40, 24
birch_leaves_red, 40, 24
birch_leaves_yellow, 40, 24
birch_trunk_1, 36, 20
birch_trunk_2, 48, 32
birch_trunk_2_half, 26, 20
birch_trunk_3, 60, 44
birch_trunk_3_half, 40, 36
birch_trunk_4, 72, 56
birch_trunk_4_half, 46, 44
birch_trunk_5, 84, 68
birch_trunk_5_half, 56, 54
birch_trunk_6, 96, 80
birch_trunk_6_half, 66, 68
box_big_close, 34, 20
box_big_open, 138, 102
box_big_open.001, 24, 12
box_big_open.002, 24, 12
box_medium_close, 34, 20
box_medium_open, 72, 44
box_medium_open.001, 24, 12
box_medium_open.002, 24, 12
box_small_close, 34, 20
box_small_open, 72, 44
box_small_open.001, 24, 12
box_small_open.002, 24, 12
brick, 24, 12
brick2, 172, 112
brick_wall_v1, 40, 28
brick_wall_v2, 102, 64
bricks1, 176, 116
bush green leaves, 357, 378
bush green medium leaves, 357, 378
bush no leaves, 357, 378
bush orange leaves, 357, 378
Cable 1m Static, 36, 20
cable 2m 3dmodel, 252, 140
Cable 3m, 384, 224
Cable5m3Dmodel, 630, 372
Cable End, 36, 20
cable holder, 71, 32
chain 1 static, 16, 8
chain 2m 3d model, 188, 172
concrete.000, 42, 24
concrete.001, 60, 32
concrete.002, 60, 32
concrete.003, 62, 32
concrete.004, 60, 32
concrete_side_2, 48, 24
concrete_stabs.001, 56, 28
concrete_stabs.002, 56, 28
concrete_stabs.003, 54, 28
concrete_stabs.004, 56, 28
conrete_side, 36, 18
cow_compartment, 72, 36
cow_drinker, 88, 44
cow_poo, 13, 18
dark_metal_plate_curved, 44, 22
dark_metal_plate_flat, 4, 2
door lock, 112, 66
door lock bar V1, 97, 54
door lock bar V2, 122, 60
door_big, 24, 12
door_small, 24, 12
driveway_big, 60, 32
driveway_small, 26, 14
electric_pole, 671, 376
electric_wires, 184, 132
field_ground, 144, 72
field_ground_flat, 16, 8
fireplace_empty, 1562, 528
fireplace_V1, 592, 544
fireplace_V2, 592, 544
fireplace_V3, 474, 444
fuse_box, 2904, 1604
fuse_box_additional_bottom_cable_hole, 359, 186
fuse_box_door, 128, 72
fuse_v1, 136, 96
fuse_v1_broken, 95, 66
fuse_v2, 150, 96
fuse_v2_broken, 95, 66
fuse_v3, 178, 96
fuse_v3_broken, 110, 66
ground ivy green leaves, 51, 54
ground ivy green leaves 2, 54, 36
ground ivy green medium leaves, 51, 54
ground ivy green medium leaves 2, 54, 36
ground ivy no leaves 1, 51, 54
ground ivy no leaves 2, 54, 36
ground ivy orange leaves 2, 54, 36
ground ivy orange leavs, 51, 54
haze_circle, 48, 28
haze_squared, 122, 144
haze_squared_dark, 122, 144
haze_v1, 27, 29
haze_V1_dark, 26, 28
haze_v2, 64, 72
haze_v3, 40, 36
haze_V3_dark, 40, 36
hinge, 32, 16
ivy_wall_big green leaves, 60, 63
ivy_wall_big orange leaves, 60, 63
ivy_wall_big green leaves medium, 60, 63
ivy_wall_big no leaves, 60, 63
ivy_wall_medium green leaves, 56, 53
ivy_wall_medium green leaves medium, 56, 53
ivy_wall_medium no leaves, 56, 53
ivy_wall_medium orange leaves, 56, 53
ivy_wall_small green leaves, 48, 45
ivy_wall_small green leaves medium, 48, 45
ivy_wall_small no leaves, 48, 45
ivy_wall_small orange leaves, 48, 45
key_blue, 156, 98
key_grey, 156, 98
key_rusted, 156, 98
key_yellow, 156, 98
lamp, 216, 148
lamp_ON, 7, 6
light_bulb, 35, 48
light_metal_plate_curve, 44, 22
light_metal_plate_flat, 4, 2
light_switch, 102, 64
light_switch_part, 50, 56
lock V1 hole, 112, 56
lock V1 side, 64, 42
lock V2 chain, 212, 156
lock V2 side, 192, 96
lock v3 3rd part, 197, 102
lock V3 main part, 160, 124
lock v3 second part, 120, 74
lock v4 part 1, 284, 224
lock v4 part 2, 182, 102
lock v4 part 3, 120, 74
padlock_arm, 115, 106
padlock_arm_broken_1, 71, 58
padlock_arm_broken_2, 64, 48
padlock_body, 117, 76
plank, 62, 36
plank.001, 64, 36
plank.002, 63, 36
plank.003, 64, 36
plank.004, 120, 60
plank.005, 128, 68
plank.006, 168, 84
plank.007, 42, 32
plank.008, 152, 104
plank.009, 150, 92
plank.010, 120, 60
plank.011, 128, 68
plank.012, 120, 60
rock medium, 72, 24
rock_big, 72, 24
rock_small, 72, 24
rocks, 504, 168
Rope 1m Static, 36, 20
rope 2m 3dmodel, 168, 140
Rope 3m, 264, 224
Rope5m3Dmodel, 438, 372
sand_road_1, 452, 224
sand_road_2, 448, 224
sand_road_3, 456, 224
sand_road_4, 376, 188
sand_road_5, 452, 224
sand_road_6, 408, 204
sand_road_7, 360, 180
sand_road_8, 652, 324
sand_road_9, 360, 180
sand_v1, 27, 29
sand_v2, 64, 72
sand_v3, 40, 36
sand_v4, 121, 128
shack, 1955, 1042
shackLOD, 1055, 524
shelf, 2224, 1584
Plane.098, 148, 74
small_door_steel_bars, 234, 272
small_lamp, 95, 70
Spiral Cable Static, 636, 320
Spiral Rope Static, 636, 320
steel_barn_window_bars, 126, 112
steel_barn_window_bars_broken, 408, 516
steel_ladder, 338, 296
steel_wood_fence_broken_left_side, 236, 224
steel_wood_fence_broken_middle_side, 348, 308
steel_wood_fence_broken_right_side, 91, 88
steel_wood_fence_gate, 424, 328
steel_wood_fence_part, 78, 46
steel_wood_fence_side, 396, 218
steel_wood_fence_trunk, 327, 272
white_fence_BROKEN, 223, 116
white_fence_BROKEN_PART, 66, 30
white_fence_BROKEN_PARTS, 227, 116
white_fence_gate, 592, 336
white_fence_side, 378, 216
white_fence_trunk, 120, 72
woodchips_1, 452, 224
woodchips_2, 448, 224
woodchips_3, 456, 224
woodchips_4, 376, 188
woodchips_5, 452, 224
woodchips_6, 408, 204
woodchips_7, 360, 180
woodchips_8, 652, 324
woodchips_9, 312, 164
wooden beam, 56, 28
wooden shavings, 56, 72