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유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

Constructor low poly for assembling dungeons, locations, mazes.
You can independently assemble, invent from the existing ones or assemble your own prefabs and from them, assemble your own, multi-level location.
From the available 19 unique prifabs, you can collect your own.
There is also a collected location.

Prefabs_unique -19 units

Prefabs_constructor- 15 units

Format- FBX
Polygons: 6,397
Texture -4k.

Environment objects

Also, to create an environment, there are 56 unique object prefabs. From these, you can complete the environment of the dungeon.

So inside the packages you will find three prices.

1. Demo price with all package objects.
2.Prefabs_constructor. In this price you will find unique dungeon constructor prefabs. Walls, steps, ceiling, floor.
3.Prefabs_unique in this scene you will find all objects of this package.

Objects that are in this package. A barrel, baskets, stairs, a torch, a skeleton in three poses, a table, a weapon - a saber, a pistol, a crossbow, an ax, a box, bottles, gold coins, a treasure map, two kerosene lamps and a candle, a candle, food, pieces of cloth, a machine for coins, powder flask, bomb, cashew, dungeon walls.

Pack Constructor Dungeon.

(평가가 충분하지 않습니다)
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