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Synty Studios™ presents -

A low poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons and environment assets to create a Western themed polygonal style game.

Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations.

Includes a demo scene

305 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors.

Assets include:

- Church, Cover, Deck Steps, Door, Double Buildings, Double_Balcony, Double Balcony Stairs, Double Building Deck Cover, Double Building Deck, Double Building Facade, Double Building Front, Double Building Roof, FencePost, Fence, Jail, Large Building, Outhouse, Saloon, Shed, Sign, Single Building, Single Balcony, Single Deck Cover, Single Deck, Single Facade, Single Building Front, Single Roof, Stairs, Tower Clock, Tower, Train Station, Train Station Platform, Water, Tower, Well, Windmill, Bone Pile, Butte, Butte, Cactus, CampFire, Cliff Arch, Cliff Cap, Cliff Curve, Cliff Pillar, Cliff Straight, Cloud, Dust Pile, Grass, Grave, Rocks, Sand Ground, Train Track Bridge Support, Train Track Bridge Top, Train Track Bridge Top Curve, Train Track Curve, Train Track Straight, Tree Dead, BarberPost, Barrels, Barrels Broken, Barrel Half, Beds, Bench, Bone Cracked, Bottles, Bottle Broken, Bottle Candles, Building Smoke stack, Bush, Candle, Cards, Card Pile, Cart Wheel, Cash Register, Chair, Church Cross, Church Door, Church Pew, Church Podium, Coffin, Cow Skull, Crate, Cups, Curtains, Curtain Rail, Deck Rails, Desk, Dresser, Entrance, Fireplace, Fireplace Smoke Stack, Fur Roll, Gallows, GoldBar, Hay Bale, Hitching Post, JailBed, Ladder, Lantern, Lantern Lit, Loghalf, Maps, Message Board, Milk Container, Moose Head, Piano, Piano Seat, Poker Table, Poker Chip, Pot, Road Sign, Rope, Rope Hanging, Sacks, Saddle, Saloon Swinging Doors, Shelf, Sticks, Stick Bundle, Stool, Stool Round, Suitcases, Tables, Table Vegetables, Tumbleweeds, Vault, Vegetables Boxes, Water Trough, Wood Piles.

6 Vehicle parts including train set

- Stagecoach, Train, Train Carriage, Train Coal, Train Freight, Cart.

8 Characters with Alternative colors

- Cowboy, Cowgirl, Bad Guy, Gunman, Saloon Girl, Town Man, Town Woman, Sheriff

6 Weapons

- American Bayonet x1

- American Bayonet Sheath

- Revolver x2

- Rifle x1

- Shotgun x2

Check out our other Assets

POLYGON - 3D Asset Series

Mini - 3D Asset Series

Simple - 3D Asset Series

◼ Compatibility

- Supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here

- Characters are setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)

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POLYGON Western - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty

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2025년 2월 24일
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