평점 만점의 리뷰가 11,000개 이상

8만 5천명 이상의 리뷰

10만명 이상의 포럼 멤버가 선호하는 에셋

유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋


Over View:
This is a studio style abandoned room with a kitchen, restroom, and dining room design, and props. assets are well designed and suitable for fps and 3rd person games. 

*Good Quality Assets at a competitive price.
*PBR Shader for most of the assets.
*Equipped with a well-designed map and lighting.
*More than 70 objects for indoor rooms design

Technical Details:

Texture Sizes: 512*512 to 2048*2048

Vertex Count: 2 vrts (for small objects) to 22500 vrts (for hero objects)

Number of Meshes: 117

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 100

Number of Textures: 283

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4


This pack is using HDRP workflow for rendering, make sure to get all the latest packages.

To check more content of this product, please take a look at my ART STATION page

Abandoned Room

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라이선스: Single Entity
싱글 엔티티
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멀티 엔티티
대기업이나 여러 사용자가 공용으로 사용시에 적합.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
파일 크기
721.1 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 9월 25일
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