평점 만점의 리뷰가 11,000개 이상

8만 5천명 이상의 리뷰

10만명 이상의 포럼 멤버가 선호하는 에셋

유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

This is a pack with 44 meshes, with all kinds of debris and destruction.
All the materials are organized in a way they make sense, making them lightweight and functional.

If you want to customize and use your own textures, switching them won't be hard.

- Low Polygon, game-ready models.
- PBR Textures.
- 1K or 2K Textures.
- Ready for Unity.
- Clean UVs & Materials.

Bricks 1 - 1.5k tris
Bricks 2 - 872 tris
Dead Tree 1 - 292 tris
Dead Tree 2 - 1.2k tris
Dead Tree 3 - 1k tris
Debris - Asphalt 1 - 321 tris
Debris - Asphalt 2 - 763 tris
Debris - Decal - 1k tris
Debris Pile - 920 tris
Roof Pieces 1 - 395 tris
Roof Pieces 2 - 444 tris
Rubble 1 - 601 tris
Rubble 2 - 110 tris
Rubble 3 - 124 tris
Rubble 4 - 192 tris
Ruined Wall 1 - 1.9k tris
Ruined Wall 2 - 4.1k tris
Ruined Wood 1 - 821 tris
Ruined Wood 2 - 836 tris
Ruined Wood 3 - 837 tris
Ruined Wood 4 - 4.7k tris
Sandbags 1 - 568 tris
Sandbags 2 - 485 tris
Timber 1 - 309 tris
Timber 2 - 253 tris
Timber 3 - 58 tris
Timber 4 - 12 tris
Timber 5 - 72 tris
Timber 6 - 180 tris
Timber 7 - 510 tris
Tire 1 - 311 tris
Tire 2 - 318 tris
Tire 3 - 247 tris
Trash Bag - 504 tris
Wood Debris 1 - 726 tris
Wood Debris 2 - 628 tris
Wood Debris 3 - 1.3k tris
Wood Debris 4 - 959 tris
Wood Debris 5 - 1.3k tris
Wood Debris 6 - 959 tris
Wood Debris 7 (Bonfire) - 1.7k tris
Wood Debris 8 (Bonfire) - 384 tris
Wood Debris 9 (Bonfire) - 279 tris
Wood Debris 10 (Bonfire) - 458 tris

For questions and doubts, please, mail us!

Rubble and Debris - Collection 2

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파일 크기
257.9 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2018년 5월 22일
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