평점 만점의 리뷰가 11,000개 이상

8만 5천명 이상의 리뷰

10만명 이상의 포럼 멤버가 선호하는 에셋

유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

Arms and weapons rigs are 100% Mecanim compatible!

48 Assets:
(3) AAA Quality Weapons
• Soviet 7.62 mm (7,419 Tris / 3,954 Verts)
• Micro-SMG (9,220 Tris / 4,907 Verts)
• AKS-74U (17,891 Tris / 9,485 Verts)

(9) Weapon LODs
• Micro-SMG 25% (2,797 Tris / 1,564 Verts)
• Micro-SMG 50% (5,596 Tris / 3,011 Verts)
• Micro-SMG 75% (8,397 Tris / 4,456 Verts)
• Soviet 7.62 25% (1,854 Tris /1,034 Verts)
• Soviet 7.62 50% (3,708 Tris / 2,003 Verts)
• Soviet 7.62 75% (5,567 Tris / 2,981 Verts)
• AKS 25% (4,472 Tris / 2,503 Verts)
• AKS 50% (8,945 Tris / 4,844 Verts)
• AKS 75% (13,419 Tris / 7,185 Verts)

(15) Animations (Idle, Sprint, Fire, Reload, Aim Down Sights, for all 3 weapons)

(3) Weapon Skeletal Rigs
• Micro-SMG Skeletal Rig (11 bones)
• Soviet 7.62 mm Skeletal Rig (10 bones)
• AKS-74U Skeletal Rig ( 9 bones)

(15) Weapon PBR Textures @ 4096x4096 (Base Color, Metalness, Roughness, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion)

(1) AAA FP Arms (12,120 Tris / 6,094 Verts)
(1) FP Arms LOD (50% - 6,060 Tris / 3,063 Verts)
(1) FP Arms Skeletal Rig (70 bones)

Featuring the modern Soviet pistol, a Micro-SMG, and the iconic AKS-74U assault rifle, the Ironbelly “Black Market Guns” pack features stunning 4K PBR textures and multiple LODs. These assets are easy to drop into any FPS and are ideal for customization.

As a bonus, this pack comes with a set of first person arms for weapons, fully rigged, animated, and compatible with Kubold’s Animset Pro.

AAA Animated Black Market Guns Pack

87 users have favourite this asset
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파일 크기
301.2 MB
최신 버전
최신 릴리스 날짜
2020년 1월 13일
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