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This Asset Pack provides a collection of lowpoly railway assets that enable game developers to create a complete railway environment.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information
  • Recommended version in Unity 2020.3.26f1 and above
  • Recommended version for URP (10.9.0)
  • Recommended version for Visual Effects Graph(10.9.0)
  • Recommended version for Shader Graph (10.9.0)

This Asset Pack provides a collection of lowpoly railway assets that enable game developers to create a complete railway environment. This pack includes locomotives, wagons, rails, switches, signals, and other elements. All assets are optimized for performance and can be used in a wide range of projects, including games, simulations, and visualizations.


  1. Assets are completely ready to use for building your custom scenes.
  2. 30 types of prefabs with URP compatible materials.
  3. Well optimized for mobile, AR, VR and Desktop platforms.
  4. Customizable post processing stack compatible with URP.


Wagon & Locomotive Assets ( 07 )

Oil wagon, Train carriage wagon, Freight wagon, Locomotive engine, Ballest wagon, Train coal, break down van

Railway Assets ( 18 )

Signal tower, Straight railway track, Sleepers, Lever frame, KM column, Crane, Switch lever 1, Switch lever 2 , Railway track crossing, Railway gate, Warning signal board, Speed limit board, Incline of the railway line, Engine turn table stage, Barriers, Ground signal

Other Assets( 5 )

Fence, Barrier

Polygon counts

RI_Ballast_Wagon - 29,596

RI_Barrials - 3210

RI_Break_Down_Van - 38,333

RI_Crane - 75,668

RI_Curve_Railway_Track_01 - 14,054

RI_Engine_Turntable_Ground - 18,702

RI_Engine_Turntable_Stage - 29,762

RI_Incline_Of_The_Railway_Line - 488

RI_KM_Column - 218

RI_Lever_Frame - 44,740

RI_Locomotive - 36,982

RI_Oil_Wagon - 42,073

RI_Railway_Gate - 2328

RI_Railway_Switch_Lever_01 - 2869

RI_Railway_Switch_Lever_02 - 2690

RI_Railway_Track_Crossing_02 - 17,565

RI_Signal_Tower - 33,428

RI_Sleepers - 6132

RI_Speed_Limits_Board - 238

RI_Straight_Railway_Track - 13,838

RI_Tap - 8784

RI_Train_Carriage - 83,223

RI_Train_Coal - 26,330

RI_Warning_Signal_Board - 274

RI_Water_Tank_Type_02 - 59,868

RI_Ground Signals - 3570

RI_Fence_Type_01 - 2740

RI_Fence_Type_02 - 1564

RI_Fence_Type_03 - 1574

RI_Freight_Wagon - 31,330

Number of prefabs : 30

Rigging: No

Animation : No

UV mapping: Yes

LOD information : No

Texture dimensions : 2048 x 2048

Types of materials and texture maps :

Albedo Map

Metalic Map

Roughness Map

Normal Map

Emissive Map

Other Creations by Render Island

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  • We are happy to help you on our DISCORD channel.

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Technical details
  • Recommended version in Unity 2020.3.26f1 and above
  • Recommended version for URP (10.9.0)
  • Recommended version for Visual Effects Graph(10.9.0)
  • Recommended version for Shader Graph (10.9.0)

Lowpoly Railway Pack

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라이선스: Single Entity
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Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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