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This is a sleek, futuristic and elegant spaceship with a fully modelled interior. The playable demo scene can serve as a good starting template, or as inspiration for your own implementation.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible

This AAA quality spaceship is perfect for any space exploration game, or VR experience. It offers a fully interactive environment to immerse your players in.

The interior is broken up into 3 spaces: The cockpit, the main living and storage space, and a small bathroom. Access to the interior is done via a ramp that opens from the rear.


The fully interactive demo scene includes:

  • First person camera controller used to navigate the interior spaces of the ship. This script also checks if the player is looking at an interactible (more about them later) and also handles camera constraints when the player is occupying a seat.
  • Orbit camera controller is activated when the player is sitting in the pilot seat. It handles the camera movements to look at the ship from the outside.
  • Ship controller script is the "brain" of the ship. It keeps track of it's important subcomponents (landing gear, ramp, thrusters, important doors, pilot seat etc) and an easily customizable list of inputs to control them. This script also controls the realistic thruster effects placed all around the ship based on player inputs.
  • Interactible script is a simple, intuitive, yet versatile script that handles player interactions. It uses a collider to define its hitbox and it toggles between two states. When interacted with, it triggeres one or more effects: play an animation (animationClip, or script driven position/rotation offset), play a sound effect, activate/deactivate a gameobject or particle system, act as a seat, or even link to other interactibles to chain them together. Using this simple script, you can interact with doors, cupboards, seats, beds, lights etc.
  • Engine Sound Controller is a script that separately and dynamically modulates up to 3 sound layers to give a sense of complexity and realism to your engine sounds. Each layer can be separately configured to control pitch/volume changes and also fade speeds. You can even have multiple scripts to control different movement types. My implementation has 4 such sound controllers: main engine, reverse thrust, maneuvering, and idling.
  • Scene controller script is the one that ties the playable scene together. It contains references to the ship, the player, the UI and others.
  • Custom camera shake and sway controller. A centralized script that constantly generates camera shake and camera sway values based on certain inputs. The different camera types (first person, ship orbit) can then independently implement the camera shake/sway data as needed.
  • 31 Sound Effects
  • 4 Shaders
  • 1 Custom lens flare (enhanced and more elegant version of a lens flare from the Standard Assets by Unity)

***DISCLAIMER: Due to the added complexity of navingating a ship interior while moving/rotating, actual ship movement is NOT implemented. All apparent ship movement is purely artifical and serves an illustration purpose only. The Ship controller script offers a basis to handle movement inputs, but in the current version it is commented out. You will need to implement this functionality yourself, according to your needs.***

Technical details
  • Package Dependencies: - Post Processing

  • Textures:

The main asset uses the trimsheet method of texturing. Therefore it only uses a single 4k PBR texture set to cover most of the ship exterior and interior. The main texture set is interpreted using 2 custom shaders (opaque and transparent) derived from the Standard shader. The main difference is that I added triplanar grunge projection. The traditional PBR texture combinations are also included (Metallic, MetallicSmoothness, Roughness, Opacity)

The main trimsheet texture set comes in 5 colors and an additional .PSD to further customize the paint color and the color of the seat.

In addition to the main texture set, the package includes:

- 1x 2048x1024 cockpit screen texture

- 4x 4k Lens Dirt textures (taken from the Legacy Unity Standard Assets pack)

- 8x 4k Grunge maps to use with the main triplanar projection shader

- 3x smaller textures to used with particle systems

- 4x gradient maps used for various effects

  • Models:

The main asset is broken up into the following parts:

- [Hierarchy]: 0 polygons. A simple model containing empty dummy objects used to align the various subcomponents of the ship for easy assembly.

- [Exterior]: 16,680 polygons.

- [Interior]: 20,710 polygons.

- [Cockpit]: 15,637 polygons, + legacy animation.

- [CockpitDoor]: 696 polygons, + legacy animation.

- [BathroomDoor]: 788 polygons, + legacy animation.

- [Ramp]: 1,123 polygons, + legacy animation.

- [LandingGearFront]: 1,920 polygons.

- [LandingGearBack]: 2,106 polygons.

All models are .FBX format. Overlapping UVs(exclusively UV1), no rigging, no LODs.

  • Prefabs

The main prefabs are the following:

- 1 fully setup prefab used in the playable demo. This one has a bunch of scripts/colliders/lights/sfx attached.

- 5 basic prefabs, one for each preset color. These do not have any scripts, lights etc, only the textured meshes, in the proper hierarchy.

- Subcomponent prefabs for the parts that are replicated throughout the ships (Landing gears, doors etc)

Phobos Starhopper: Spaceship with Full Interior

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a year ago
Expensive but is worth it.
The model is excellent, the use of textures, UVs - 10/10. I counted 28 interactable elements. It feels like Star Citizen hired all the good ship desig...
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