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Sound FX
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Explore in this two-volume SFX library, a diverse collection of over 3000 sound effects, organized into 70 categories, offering unlimited royalty-free use for game developers.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

The collection is divided into 2 volumes, and consists of more than 3000 sound effect tracks in stereo,mono and multichannel 5.0, depending on their nature. It's structured into 70 main categories and 195 subcategories. In total, it contains approximately 11,02 GB of royalty-free sound effects.

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Each sound effect is available at 48 kHz and 16 or 24 bits. The organization uses the Universal Category System (UCS) to ensure clear and straightforward navigation by standardizing file naming structure: CATEGORY_SUBCATEGORY_TITLE_DETAIL. In addition, the terms "Dry" and "Wet" reflect whether the audio is as it is recorded by the microphone (Dry) or whether it has undergone some manipulation in postproduction (Wet).

The library is huge and can be applied to numerous projects of different types, from children's applications, casual games, adventure, strategy or horror.

The package is aimed at both developers who are interested in acquiring a versatile audio library that they can use for various projects and other audio designers interested in creating and designing new sound effects from other pre-existing sounds.

This sound effects library is just the beginning of an ever-expanding library designed to meet the evolving needs of game developers. Enjoy unlimited royalty-free usage rights, allowing you to use these sounds in your projects without worrying about additional fees or licensing restrictions.

Only $50 for +3000 royalty free sound effects with free future updates!



A valuable resource for creating immersive sound experiences across a wide range of genres, highlighting sounds from cartoon, ambience, air, rocks, and swooshes. With over 664 crafted sound effects, organized into 21 categories, offering unlimited royalty-free use for game developers, covering categories such as human, footsteps and impacts. You'll be able to bring your game worlds to life.

In addition, this sound effects library includes a small collection of 48 sounds recorded at 96 kHz and another of 273 sounds recorded at 192 kHz. These recordings are designed with the intention of being played back in slow motion (0.5x and 0.25x respectively) or used for designing new sounds. All recordings are available in 16 or 24 bits.

The first volume comprises the first half of the collection, containing 664 SFX organized into the aforementioned 21 categories:

Footsteps • Rocks • Creatures • Human • Objects • Plastic • Rocks • Swooshes • Voices • Weapons • Wood • Air • Alarms • Ambience • Animals • Bells • Bullets • Cartoon • Ceramics

Only $22 for +650 royalty free sound effects with free future updates!

More info: en.danielnunezmartin.com

Notice: This work is an original creation and is protected by copyright laws. Redistribution or publication is expressly forbidden.

Technical details

Game SFX Ultimate Bundle - Vol. I

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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