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Space Conqueror 3D Starter Kit is a space shooter game template, which includes all classic elements of this genre. Combining a simple rational solutions and clean code, this kit is a great foundation for any game idea, whether it is a space ship travelling through hundreds of asteroids, or a plane, flying in cloudy sky, or a dolphin, crossing the dangerous ocean.
Google Play
Player controls a spaceship, which makes his way through endless space, collecting score points, shooting targets and avoiding asteroids. The goal is to collect as much score points as possible and to do greatest possible distance. Going through score rings adds score points, shooting targets adds score points. Ship may enable turbo acceleration, but be careful: collision with an asteroid can cause crash.
Game template comes with main and in-game menus.
Keyboard control:
W/A/S/D – to move
Shift – turbo
Space - shoot
Touch input control:
Put one finger to a screen and move it to move ship. Touch screen with second finger to shoot. Put first and second fingers at the same time to enable turbo acceleration.
- Ultimate tool for game creation
- Customize spaceship's parameters to achieve your own desired gameplay
- Create as many types of obstacles, as you want
- Level designer provides "endless" path
- Сonstant support and assistance in the development process
- PC/Mobile ready
- C# scripts are fully explained.
- Menu, in-game menu, pause/play/restart, score, rate button.
Space Conqueror 3D Starter Kit