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Universal Deeplinking plugin enables your Unity projects to be opened or activated using deep links and/or web links, enabling your projects another way to interact with your users.
The plugin automatically configures deep linking and domain association on the target platform on build, making its usage simple and quick, the integration is as simple as registering a callback to an event.
Under the hood, the plugin was made to ensure that it doesn't conflict with any other plugins on all platforms.

- Plug and play
- Simple UI to configure your deep links and web links
- Built-in editor test tool
- Global or per platform configurations
- Steam Integration
- Automatic query string parsing
- Simple API

Deep Linking Supported Platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows Store
- Standalone (Linux, Windows, MacOs [intel and arm])
- Steam (Linux, Windows, MacOs [intel and arm])
- tvOS

Domain/Web Association Supported Platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows Store
- tvOS

Check our other plugins!
- Universal File Association: Enables you to declare your game/app as the default application to process files (e.g .pdf, .wav, .mp4).
- Deferred Deep Linking for Android: Track install referral information!
- Share Target for Android: Receive data from other apps with built-in share functionality!

This asset uses optool under BSD license; see Notice.txt file in package for details.

Legacy Universal Deep Linking: Seamless Deep Link and Web Link Association

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