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Level Design
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GSpawn - Level Designer is a Unity Editor Extension with an extensive array of features suitable for building different kinds of environments from modular dungeons to outdoor scenes to tile worlds.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

📧 Support e-mail: octamodius@yahoo.com | Forum

🛈 Unity Version:

2021.3.27 or above

The Essential Level Design Plugin for Unity

Trailer | Video Tutorials | Doc

Check out the trailer:

🎥 Trailer

Get started with GSpawn video tutorials:

🎥 Intro (Part 1) (Getting Started with Modular Environments)

🎥 Intro (Part 2) (Getting Started with Outdoor Environments)

🎥 Building a Village Interior

🎥 Building Catacombs

🎥 Modular Walls & Pillars (Synty Studios Dungeon Assets)

🎥 Decoration Rules (Modular Environment Decoration)

🎥 Scatter Brush

🎥 Tile Rules (Part 1) (Prefab Creation & Tile Rule Setup)

🎥 Tile Rules (Part 2) (Painting Tiles)

🎥 Tile Rules (Part 3) (Platforms & Ramps)

🎥 Tile Rules (Part 4) (Connect Tool)

The following tutorials were created for the LITE Edition, but the information contained within applies to the PRO version as well:

🎥 Building a Small Library (Intro Tutorial)

🎥 Building Tile Worlds

If you own the LITE Edition, the PRO version is available via UPGRADE.

Check out the GSpawn Version Comparison Sheet.

Check out the LITE Edition Trailer:

🎥LITE Edition Trailer

If you're looking to create environments from modular prefabs or populate your scenes with props, look no further. GSpawn - Level Designer (PRO) contains everything you need to start creating awesome game levels.

Here is a quick outline of the most important features:

3D Tile Rules - with Ramp & Platform support.

Decoration Rules - extract decoration info from demo scenes for quick prop/decor placement.

Curve Spawn - spawn objects along curves, create fences, forests, edit, move, rotate, duplicate, insert control points, multiple lanes, padding, randomization, jittering.

Easy Grid Snapping - easily snap prefabs to grid, supports both horizontal (XZ) snapping and vertical snapping. Snap up/down, auto-object climbing, move grid up/down, snap grid to cursor, configure cell size, create multistory environments easily.

Modular Walls - supports Inner & Outer Corner detection, pillar support.

Physics Spawn - realtime or instant, drop height, drop radius, rotation randomization.

Props Spawn - axis alignment, embed in surface, offset from surface, drag spawn, prefab randomization, scale & rotation randomization.

Rotate Objects with Mouse & Keyboard

Scale Objects with Mouse

Prefab Replacement: quickly swap prefab instances in the scene.

Object Groups - keep your scene organized.

Prefab Management - organize your prefabs in libraries, copy/move prefabs between libraries, create library profiles, search by name, filters.

Scatter Brush - rotation & scale randomization, control volume radius, axis alignment, slope check, spawn chance.

Tile Tools (Segments & Box Spawn) - integer patterns for creating interesting tile patterns, fill modes, height modes, prefab randomization, project objects on terrains, overlap detection.

Mirroring/Symmetry - supports mirroring along a maximum of 3 mirror planes at once.

Selection Tools - Rectangle, Selection Segments & Selection Box.

Transform Gizmos - move, rotate, scale, universal.

Extrude Gizmo - extrude wall pieces, floors, tiles etc

Erase Tools - erase cursor, 2D & 3D erase brushes, erase masks.

Configurable Shortcuts

• ... and MUCH more!

The following assets were used in screenshots, trailer and tutorial videos and are NOT included with the GSpawn - Level Designer plugin:


For any questions, feel free to contact support:

📧 Support E-mail: octamodius@yahoo.com | Forum

GSpawn - Level Designer (PRO)

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