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Aura 2 simulates the fog and the light rays (also known as godrays) in the atmosphere. Optimized and flexible, Aura 2 is the leading state-of-the-art volumetric lighting/fog solution for Unity.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

Please note that Aura 2 is not compatible with the URP, HDRP or any SRP.

Aura 2 cannot be made compatible with any SRP.

They were introduced by Unity after Aura 2 was released and they are not retro-compatible with any rendering tool, addon or effect previously released.

Please wait for Aura 3 for URP and HDRP support.


Optimized and flexible, Aura 2 is the leading state-of-the-art volumetric lighting/fog solution for Unity.


Aura 2 simulates the fog and the light rays (also known as godrays) in the atmosphere.

In other terms, it simulates the illumination of the micro-particles (like grains of dust) that are present in the environment but too small to be visible to the eye/camera.

The rendering technique of Aura 2 is the one used in the latest high-end games such as Tomb Raider, God Of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed Origins/Odyssey, Days Gone, The Last Of Us 2 ...

Features :

All types of light supported

Full shadows support (1/2/4 directional cascade(s), spot, point)

Cookie support

Control Volumes (Global, Planar, Box, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone) with :

Density injection

Scattering control

Tint control

Light injection

Boost control

Ambient Lighting control

Light Probes Lighting injection

Color Temperature support

Ambience Presets for 1-click kickstart

Improved quality

Multiple Cameras support

Light Probes support

Realtime preview in editor

Toolbox with shortcuts

Realtime Quality switch

Fast Import Time

Compatible with :

Gaia from Procedural Worlds

Amplify Shader Editor from Amplify Creations

Unity Visual Scripting

Opaque/Transparent* geometry support

Particles illumination, fog and density **

Works in Forward/Deferred

Stereo / VR support ***

Works in LDR (Low Dynamic Range) and HDR (High Dynamic Range)

Works in Gamma/Linear

Texture2D and Texture3D support

Dynamic 4D noise support

Fully commented API

Read the Documentation here.

Dedicated thread on the Unity Forums can be found here.

Support email.

Technical details

Aura 2 was release for Unity 2017.2 :

- older version will not be supported

- newer version might require updates and are not guaranteed

- currently verified version is 2020.3 LTS

Aura 2 strictly requires full support of the following elements to work :

▶ RenderTextures (3D as well)

▶ Texture2DArrays

▶ ComputeShaders

Please verify that the support of these elements is not limited especially on lower platforms.

Aura 1 and Aura 2 are not compatible with each others.

Please delete all references to Aura 1 before importing Aura 2 in your project.

Aura 2 was developed and tested on Windows and DirectX11.

Other platforms are not guaranteed.

However, Aura 2 is reported successfully working on Vulkan, Linux and MacOs + Metal. No support can currently be provided for those platforms.

* transparent objects will need modified shaders to display the volumetric lighting, that's how Unity works. Shaders are included in the package as well as explanation for adding Aura 2 to your custom shaders.

** shaders provided in the package.

*** single pass stereo rendering may not work on some Unity versions

Aura 2 - Volumetric Lighting & Fog

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