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Dynamic Water Physics 2 is a water physics simulation tool that uses mesh data to simulate buoyancy and hydrodynamics - above and under the water. Suitable for any mesh shape and size.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

This asset is a physics asset and aims to be render pipeline independent. However, the included demo flat water shader reflections do not work with URP or HDRP meaning that a 3rd party water shader will have to be used in that case. DWP2 works with all flat water assets/shaders and multiple wavy-water shaders.


Dynamic Water Physics 2 is a water/object interaction simulator that uses mesh data to simulate both buoyancy and hydrodynamics, making it suitable for objects of any shape or size, moving or stationary, above or under the water.

This asset is a part of NWH Physics World - a collection of inter-compatible vehicle simulation assets.


• Fast and easy to set up - either manually or through the one-click wizard.

• Simulate any object of any shape or size, as long as it has a mesh.

• Extremely well optimized. ~0.02ms CPU time on average per object in the demo scene, ~1.2ms total for 70 objects. (Wavy water performance depends on 3rd party asset used)

• Multiplayer support (Mirror and PUN2).

• WaterObjects are Rigidbodies and interact with water only through the use of forces. No translation or rotation applied.

• Uses an in-built algorithm to generate a simplified simulation mesh meaning that high-poly models can be used without affecting performance.

• Suitable for both desktop and mobile.

• Works with any positive object scale.

• Works underwater.

• Water effects work with any flat water and are auto-generated using simulation data.

• Included C# source code, manual, and everything seen in the demo.


• Ship controller that can be used together with WaterObjects to make drivable boats and ships.

• Additional script for submarines.

• Multiple engines with sound, both inboard and outboard.

• Bow and stern thrusters.

• Multiple rudders.


  • Crest
  • KWS Water System
  • Stylized Water 2
  • R.A.M
  • Ceto Ocean
  • Lux Water
  • SUIMONO Water System
  • Ocean Community Next Gen
  • All flat water assets (AQUAS, Stylized Water Shader, etc.)


Demos are available for Windows, MacOS, and Android.

Download here.


Discord - Forum - YouTube Channel - Website

If you have any questions or need support contact us at nwhcoding@gmail.com.

NOTE: DWP2 is not a water renderer / shader.

NOTE: The basic flat water from the demo scene does not work with HDRP. Use water from Unity Standard Assets as a replacement if you need to use HDRP.

This asset uses MIConvexHull under MIT License; see the Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package for details.

Dynamic Water Physics 2

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