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MeshForge is a tool aimed to bridge the gap between individuals with little or no experience in 3D modeling and the ability to create modular characters and meshes.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information
  • Compatible with Unity 2021 LTS - Unity 6.
  • Unity versions below 2022 LTS may experience issues with drag selecting. Their is a code excerpt in the manual that will fix this issue, read the manual for further explanation.


Why use MeshForge?

This tool is currently aimed to take any of your existing character assets and split them into grouped parts making your character more modular. Always wanted to swap out one set of hands for another? How about swapping out one head for another? MeshForge can help you do just that.

MeshForge currently contains four primary tools:

Mesh Rebaker:

Allows you to simply place a prefab into the prefab field and rebake the mesh into unitys coordinate system.


Splits a skinned mesh into separate modular pieces, enabling users to reuse or swap mesh parts easily. If a mesh contains submeshes those will be extracted into their own skinned meshes. All skinned mesh parts will retain their previous attributes allowing them to continue to be used for animations. Additionally, skinned mesh parts can be promised to an entirely different asset allowing for modular parts across different character assets that do not share the same bone hierarchy.

The splitter contains experimental features that can deform the mesh to match the size of its target. Meaning, more options for modularizing parts from "small characters" to "large characters" or vice versa.

Gap Filler:

Fills gaps in a skinned mesh by selecting boundary vertices and automatically generates new geometry to fill that region. Gap filler allows the use of two modes fan (flat fill) or a convex shape. The gaps are filled seamlessly with the original material (texture) from the mesh. Alternatively, you can place a secondary material to be used as the new material for the filled in triangles.

Skinned Mesh Combiner:

Allows you to combine separate skinned meshes back to a single skinned mesh.

Non-destructive workflow:

All assets used will retain all of their original properties. Experiment to your hearts content without being concerned with having to reimport any 'ruined' assets.

What MeshForge is not: MeshForge is not a 3D model creation tool. It works with existing assets, currently allowing you to split them into modular part. While their is some support for modularizing skinned meshes across different bone hierarchies, it does not build or merge hierarchies. Meaning, placing skinned meshes onto a different hierarchy may result in animation fidelity loss or deformation.

More features in the future?!?:

While this tool does specifically work on/with skinned meshes at this time, the name of this asset was purposly chosen to promote future additions. (To be disclosed at a later date)


This is currently an Editor only tool and is not made to support runtime operations.

This may change in the future based on user feedback/ suggestions.

None of the assets shown in the video are included with this product they are ment for demonstration/educational purposes only.

Link to my Youtube channel where you can find tutorials for MeshForge:


Link to the CarryForge Discord Server:



Reach out to me with any questions or problems you have with MeshForge. I will respond as soon as possible, but may take up to 3 business days.

If your question is bug related please email me the following:

  • Unity version you are using
  • Summary of problem
  • Screen shots (if applicable)

Email: anthony.halstead@carryforgestudio.com

Website: https://carryforgestudio.com

Technical details

Features: See Description

Supported OS: Supported for use with Windows

Link To Documentation: Documentation


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Mar 18, 2025
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