Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
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Every asset moderated by Unity
Ideal for large media installations / display walls / projections / immersive experiences.
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Sample videos (needed for example scenes)
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Demolition Media Hap without sync
— Hardware accelerated Hap video playback without any external codecs installation needed. All fravours of Hap are supported.
— (new) 100% GPU compute shader decoding with new GDeflate compression format (now no CPU overhead at all, Unity 2022.3.12f1 or newer).
— (new) 20-90% smaller file sizes with new GDeflate compression format.
— Sync playback across multiple machines using UDP networking.
— Use Unity Timeline to control the playback.
— Control video playback with your own clock source.
— Ability to manually specify current video frame index.
— (new) Playlist & send data support for sync client/server.
— Seamless loop playback.
— Multichannel 5.1/7.1 audio support using Unity AudioSource.
— High quality video with the new Hap R codec.
— Low CPU usage. Frames are mostly decompressed on the GPU.
— Play 4k @ 120 fps, 8k @ 60 fps or 10k @ 60fps videos (on supported hardware), play tons of smaller videos at once. Extremely fast frame-precise seeking.
— Playback speed control.
— Transparent videos with Hap Alpha, Hap Q Alpha and Hap R codecs. First plugin to support Hap Q Alpha/Hap R/HAP HDR in Unity.
— Chunked Hap support for even faster multi-threaded decoding.
— Audio output through the Unity Native Audio plugin (without network syncing) and AudioSource (with netowrk syncing, multichannel audio supported).
— Preload video to memory if your SSD isn't fast enough.
— Configurable RAM/GPU memory usage.
— Suits for both programmers and artists: C# API along with IMGUI/uGUI/Render to Material wrappers provided.
— Example scenes with the typical usage scenarios (including 360/VR).
Requirements for this asset version:
— Unity 2019-2023 (2022.3.12f1 and newer with DirectX12 Graphics API for GDeflate GPU decompression)
— Windows 8.1/10/11
This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here.
See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.
Demolition Media Hap Pro Sync (Windows)