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Network synced industry-proven GPU accelerated Hap video codec playback solution for Unity.

Ideal for large media installations / display walls / projections / immersive experiences.

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(new) Demo app (updated 10.11.2022)
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Sample videos (needed for example scenes)
Standalone encoder app
Demolition Media Hap without sync


Hardware accelerated Hap video playback without any external codecs installation needed. All fravours of Hap are supported.
(new) 100% GPU compute shader decoding with new GDeflate compression format (now no CPU overhead at all, Unity 2022.3.12f1 or newer).
(new) 20-90% smaller file sizes with new GDeflate compression format.
Sync playback across multiple machines using UDP networking.
— Use Unity Timeline to control the playback.
— Control video playback with your own clock source.
— Ability to manually specify current video frame index.
— (new) Playlist & send data support for sync client/server.
Seamless loop playback.
Multichannel 5.1/7.1 audio support using Unity AudioSource.

(new) HAP HDR - play 32-bit floating point HDR videos. Ideal for things like 10-bit color depth footage. Unsigned format recommended.
High quality video with the new Hap R codec.
Low CPU usage. Frames are mostly decompressed on the GPU.
— Play 4k @ 120 fps, 8k @ 60 fps or 10k @ 60fps videos (on supported hardware), play tons of smaller videos at once. Extremely fast frame-precise seeking.
Playback speed control.
Transparent videos with Hap Alpha, Hap Q Alpha and Hap R codecs. First plugin to support Hap Q Alpha/Hap R/HAP HDR in Unity.
— Chunked Hap support for even faster multi-threaded decoding.
— Audio output through the Unity Native Audio plugin (without network syncing) and AudioSource (with netowrk syncing, multichannel audio supported).
— Preload video to memory if your SSD isn't fast enough.
— Configurable RAM/GPU memory usage.
— Suits for both programmers and artists: C# API along with IMGUI/uGUI/Render to Material wrappers provided.
— Example scenes with the typical usage scenarios (including 360/VR).

Requirements for this asset version:
— Unity 2019-2023 (2022.3.12f1 and newer with DirectX12 Graphics API for GDeflate GPU decompression)
— Windows 8.1/10/11

This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here.
See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

Demolition Media Hap Pro Sync (Windows)

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17.9 MB
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최신 릴리스 날짜
2023년 12월 11일
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