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Fire & Explosions
The ULTIMATE -procedural- fire and smoke shader.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Not compatible
Not compatible

This asset allows you to synthesize a variety of FULLY PROCEDURAL, animated fire, smoke, and energy-like effect materials with just a SINGLE versatile shader that works not only on static meshes, but also with Unity's particle system and trail renderer components.

Realtime transparent lighting is supported!

You DO NOT -need- (but can have, if you want) any textures or custom geometry, everything is generated by the shader, including tessellation (so that you can use simple quad, sphere, and cylinder primitives).

Example prefabs and a demo scene is is included, demonstrating:

🔗 Fire! - as in, for a fireplace, or camp fire.

🔗 Coloured smoke (for fire).

🔗 Volumetric fog w/ realtime lighting (particle system).

🔗 Colourful glowing fiery ember particles.

🔗 2D (spherized) energy shield.

🔗 3D (real sphere mesh) energy shield w/ multiple layers.

🔗 Wispy, smoke-like 'magical' trails.

🔗 Depth-based transparent outline mesh.

🔗 Overlay/intersection effects.

🔗 Velocity/position transfer (mesh bending based on movement).

🔗 Warpdrive/Hyperspace tunnels and effects.

🔗 Volumetric, colourful, animated light shafts.

You can even make LASER BEAMS (either with Unity's lines, trails, or meshes) moving through volumetric fog/smoke. But that's not all... how about:

🔥 Interactive fire/torches.

❤️‍🔥 Bendy, rotation-aware flamethrowers.

☄️ Particle fire trails and lit fog/smoke.

And so much more- be CREATIVE!

It's an extremely adaptive shader/asset.

The shader is heavily parameterized with over 100 exposed values, meaning you can create a practically infinite variety of custom materials by tweaking the numbers, sliders, and checkboxes, which also allow for perfomance tuning (lower-end to high-end GPUs).

⚠️ MINIMUM Shader Model: 4.5

A second, more lightweight shader is included for rendering dense fog/smoke with the same lighting effects, using a base (texture) and normal map to avoid excessive procedural computation while still being able to randomize the output with procedural generation to hide repetition: If the procedural shader is too expensive for your use-cases and target hardware, you can the lightweight smoke shader to better manage the performance impacts of overdraw!

Technical details

Solaris is made with Amplify Shader Editor (ASE). You DO NOT need ASE to use Solaris, but if you have it, you can edit/open the shader(s) and see how things work.

Solaris (Procedural Fire, Smoke, Energy and Trails Shader + VFX)

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License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
21 days ago
Incredible and gorgeous, as usual for Mirza
I've been a fan of Mirza Beig's effects for years now, and this asset does NOT disappoint. WOW. Super gorgeous effects. Super configurable. Quite ...
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Solaris (Procedural Fire, Smoke, Energy and Trails Shader + VFX)