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This versions contains 3 unique 2 sided shaders.

- TwoSided-PBR
- TwoSided-Simple
- TwoSided-Textues

AS_twoSidedPBR - This is the most complex of the 2 sided shaders, making use of 2 PBR based materials, one for inside and one for outside, using the alpha from the Albedo texture as the main cutout texture.

The ChannelMask should be packed as Red for Metalness, Green for AO and Alpha for smoothness. The AS stands for Amplify Shader in which these materials were made and can be edited using that.

AS_twoSidedSimple - Uses a simple texture with alpha to make the cutout effect, the same texture is used on the inside but can be replaced with a BackColour using the MakeBackSolid slider. A simple way to make the back or inside a simple colour, ideal for letter headed paper for example.

AS_twoSidedTextures - Uses 2 unique textures but using the Alpha from the first texture as the cutout.

See the video and screenshots for more details.

For ScriptableRenderpipeline versions, please get in touch with proof of purchase or locate any additional packages in their folders: me@robertramsay.co.uk

NOTE: This is a custom shader and not upgradable via Unity Upgrade Materials Function. Please contact me.

Two Sided Shaders +URP

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